The Cornered Cat
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Safety rules for dummy guns

…217; in ‘unsafe directions.’ They thus don’t allow blue guns in the classroom – but they do allow functional guns. “This is insanity! “What are blue guns for? “Whether or not you like blue guns, functional guns, regardless of their supposed ‘condition,’ should not be handled in the classroom in any event! ” ‘Condition-based training’ with functional guns is inherently defective…. Continue reading

Kids and guns — and heroes

…under ten years old. They heard the story at the Primer, and came home to ask me what that was about. After I heard the story, I sat my kids down and told them, “There’s a bad guy and he wants to do bad things to kids. What do you think the kids should do about that? Should they obey him, because he’s a grownup?” By the time we were done talking, every one of my kids could answer that question with a loud,… Continue reading

Complacency Kills

…ave the dexterity or strength to manipulate your firearm if they get to it. Don’t leave guns or gun gear lying around for the kids to poke through. Don’t believe that it’s good enough to simply educate your kids. Stay safe. Keep your kids safe. Think about what you can do to help them stay safer. Notes: This is very much unlike the aluminum castings used as dummy guns for role play in an earlier era… don’t ask me… Continue reading

Kids and guns

…story here:–174678431.html Why am I telling you this? Partly it’s because I want you to understand that kids grow up. We talk about “kids and guns” as if all children are toddlers, and as if every child remains irresponsible and untrustworthy until some magic date on the calendar, and as if there were a stark, sharp line between childhood and adulthood…. Continue reading

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How to Make Your Wife Hate Guns

…aped, murdered, mutilated, tortured, dismembered, violated, and just generally had Bad Stuff happen to them, all because they didn’t carry a gun. This works well because most of your tales will involve bad people using guns, and will thus reinforce her suspicion that only bad people use guns. If she is ever genuinely frightened by a home intruder or a mugger, you don’t want her to talk herself into wanting a gun afterwards. So… Continue reading

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Why a Mom Should Take Her Kids Shooting

…of herself. I may not be able to tower over them like I once did, but darn if I cannot still outshoot my teenage boys ‘ and I’ll take whatever respect that earns me, thank you very much. The most important lesson kids can learn about guns is that firearms can do a lot of damage and therefore need to be handled with caution. A fun day spent on the range with reactive targets can really hammer this lesson home. When I thought my kidsContinue reading

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Kids say the darnedest things

…lly has a criminal family member who might be looking for a place to rob.) I’m pressed for time, so the rest of today’s free ice cream comes in the form of a question for you to answer for each other: If you have kids, how have you taught your kids not to talk to outside others about your firearms? What tips would you give a young mom on this topic? Notes: This is very much unlike the aluminum castings used as dummy guns for role… Continue reading

Rule Sets

…. The rule is, always use a real backstop with real guns. Save the imaginary backstops — “designated” safe directions rather than genuine ones — for use with imaginary guns (such as blue plastic dummy guns and AirSoft guns). The instructional and practical goals for dry fire can be reached within the Four Rules, within the NRA Rules, and within the principles shared by all common gunhandling rulesets. As I’ve said… Continue reading

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