The Cornered Cat
Quick Tip

Ever take a class and find yourself nursing a minor finger injury? I’ve seen this often, especially in older students who haven’t previously fired a lot of rounds in one day. Moleskin can help, but some people either don’t like … Continue reading

“Women Should Always Use Revolvers”

Really – that’s what the guy said. It wasn’t my problem or my job to correct his wrong idea, so I bit my lip and moved on. But it reminded me of an online discussion I’d been recently involved in, … Continue reading

At the Mall

Had fun yesterday. A group of us got together at an urban mall for a small class in awareness and avoidance with Rory Miller, author of Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected and a half-dozen other excellent books about self … Continue reading

8 Ways to Spot a Bad Self Defense Product

Yay! Finally got my newest article up today! It’s titled, “8 Ways to Spot a Bad Self Defense Product Before It Kills You.” Long title, long article. Slaughters a few sacred cows and lets slip a few industry secrets. Want … Continue reading

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