The Cornered Cat
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To have and to have not

“A lot of people think they are prepared to defend themselves simply because they are able to stand at the range on a calm day and hit a target at 7 yards. That’s a little like thinking you are prepared … Continue reading

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“Reasonable” Restrictions

Recently received an email from someone who is in favor of “reasonable” restrictions on the right to buy, own, and carry firearms. The person wanted to know if I would support these restrictions, too, or if I would be as … Continue reading

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Three quotes and a story

“History doesn’t always repeat itself… sometimes it just screams ‘Why don’t you listen when I’m talking to you?’ and lets fly with a club.” – John W. Campbell, Jr. “History is a vast early warning system.” – Norman Cousins “History … Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #5

This happened not too far from my hometown. According to the county sheriff as reported by a local news site, an intruder entered a home where a man and his wife were sleeping. The residents woke up as the intruder … Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #4

Two links for this story: the original news article from 2010, and an interview with the victim in 2013 on PJ Media. Go read both (I’ll wait). Back? Good. What we have here is the story of a young man … Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #3

News anchors never can resist the bit about “gun-toting grandmother,” can they? Ah, well, we can still learn something. (Do click the link. It includes a good interview with the woman who defended herself.) Here’s the story, and it’s a … Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #2

Here we have the story of a Good Samaritan with a gun. Police say this 61-year-old man saw a 48-year-old man chasing a woman with a knife and threatening to kill her. The GS drew his gun and ordered the … Continue reading

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Lessons from the headlines #1

Here’s a news story of a self-defense shooting near a high school in Detroit. A 70-year-old male basketball coach was walking two female athletes to their cars when the group was approached by two men. Police say one of the … Continue reading

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