The Cornered Cat
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In the Harry Potter series, a squib is a child born to a magical family who somehow grows up without having any trace of magical ability herself. This is a child who didn’t become what her parents expected her to … Continue reading

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New article

So I’ve neglected the blog shamefully this week, but I haven’t been slacking. There’s actually a new article on Cornered Cat. The subject is: Superpowers! Go read it. You can leave  your comments here, and it makes me happy when … Continue reading

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Mom Voice

One of the most significant challenges I have faced as an instructor: making my voice work well enough for every student on the range to easily hear it. The problem – to the extent that it is a problem – … Continue reading

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Fear and the freeze response

On the Cornered Cat Facebook page the other day, I linked to a very personal story of one woman’s experience with violence. It’s an ugly story, and a compelling one. It’s from Limatunes, and in it, she explains what happened … Continue reading

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What does a murderer look like?

What does a murderer look like? That question has been on my mind the past few days, especially because of all the blog brouhaha over those “No Hesitation” targets. After some of the emotion has died down a little, I … Continue reading

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To quote Rory Miller, different people glitch on different things. And very few people have the innate self-awareness to know where their hesitations are. Most of muddle through with misplaced confidence until something unexpected brings us up short. Years ago, … Continue reading

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Willing and Able

To protect yourself from violent crime, you must be willing and able to act decisively when the criminal attacks. Willing and able. We use that phrase a lot. When I was a child, I thought it was one big compound … Continue reading

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Yesterday, I blogged about giving yourself permission to protect your own life. This isn’t really a one-step, one-time thing. It’s an ongoing process, a deliberate series of decisions to set yourself free from the things you didn’t realize were holding … Continue reading

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