The Cornered Cat
Sad but true.

It seems to me that a lot of modern young women would rather tackle the impossible, sysiphean task of changing an entire society and how it thinks, than to picture themselves effectively fighting back and perhaps killing a man for “only” assaulting them in a violent and life-threatening way.

This means that they themselves, for all their talk about the awfulness of rape culture and the high value of women in a community, do not believe that their own lives are worth much after all.

One Response to Sad but true.

  1. larryarnold says:

    It seems to me that a lot of modern young women would rather tackle the impossible, sysiphean task of changing an entire society and how it thinks,

    IMHO the “moderns” I run into don’t want to change society. They expect the government to do it for them. They want to be protected from having to make their own choices. They protest if a man offers to protect them, but somehow they believe “society” will take on the role.

    Of course, living in a rural Texas town, my sample size is small. Kids around here grow up in 4-H and FFA and such.

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